Erin Umberger, MArch

Erin Umberger, M. Arch, is an architectural project manager from Phoenix, Arizona. In 2014, her daughter Sarah Rose was born at 23 weeks and 6 days gestation. Sarah largely thrived. Most days Erin and her husband were able to hold her, and they were able to bathe and dress her. As Sarah grew, it seemed likely they would be able to one day take her home. However, on her 59th day, she suddenly crashed. She had contracted NEC. Within hours, it became clear that Sarah would not be able to recover. In Sarah’s honor, Ms. Umberger now serves on the Board of Directors of the NEC Society, a national nonprofit focused on reducing the incidence of NEC. She has been instrumental in leading and activating parents affected by NEC from across the United States and internationally.